Frontal snowboard school

At Frontal Snowboard School, fun in movement and quality in teaching are the guiding principles of the young and dynamic team of instructors. They offer programs for every level.

Winter fun on a snowboard - but the right way. The Frontal Snowboard School helps you with its courses.

You start with incline slides and know you're making progress when Ollie is no longer a man's name to you, but a snowboard trick.

The Frontal snowboard world on Mount Stoos:

  • Beginners

  • Advanced

  • Carver

  • Freeride

  • Freestyle

  • Park

You don't have snowboard equipment yet or you want to get a taste of snowboarding? The Frontal Snowboard Shop rents boards, boots, back protection and helmets.

Frontal Snowboardschule, Alpstubli Gade, 6433 Stoos
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