
In the alpine cheese dairy, newly built in 2003, milk from a total of nine alps in the Stoos area is processed into various specialties.

Mainly alp cheese is produced, but also alp raclette cheese, Mutschli, garlic cheese, yogurt, butter and cream. The milk of the peacock goats is processed into goat cheese and formaggini.

In the small alpine farm you have the possibility to consume something small. For this purpose we mainly use our own products, which you can buy on the alp or in the little farm store in Ried-Muotathal. The alpine farm can be reached comfortably in about 90 minutes via a natural road.

In the alpine cheese dairy, newly built in 2003, milk from a total of nine alps in the Stoos area is processed into various specialties.

Mainly alp cheese is produced, but also alp raclette cheese, Mutschli, garlic cheese, yogurt, butter and cream. The milk of the peacock goats is processed into goat cheese and formaggini.

In the small alpine farm you have the possibility to consume something small. For this purpose we mainly use our own products, which you can buy on the alp or in the little farm store in Ried-Muotathal. The alpine farm can be reached comfortably in about 90 minutes via a natural road.

Contact Infos

Alpine farm Tröligen
Rämsenweg, 6433 Stoos SZ